Topics of Research:
- Rewriting Systems and Their Applications
- Automated Theorem Proving
- Equational and Logic Programming
- Theory of Categories
- Lambda Calculi and Explicit Substitution
Group Members:
Graduate Students and Researchers:
- Ana Cristina Rocha
Oliveira, PhD student in Informatics, MSc Mathematics (Aug
2012), CAPES studentship
- José Luis Soncco Álvarez, PhD
student in Informatics, MSc Informatics (Feb 2013), CAPES studentship
- Washington Luis Ribeiro de Carvalho Segundo, PhD student in
Informatics, MSc in Informatics (2011)
- Daniel Saad Nogueira Nunes, PhD student in
Informatics, MSc in Informatics (May 2013)
- Ariane Alves de Almeida, PhD student in
Informatics, MSc in Informatics (Jul 2014), CAPES studentship
- Lucas Angelo da Silveira, MSc student in
Informatics, CAPES studentship
- Thiago Mendonça Ferreira Ramos, MSc student in
Undergraduate Students:
Former Members:
- Prof. Haydée Werneck Poubel
Former Graduate Students:
- Daniele Nantes
Sobrinho, Pos-Doc CAPES scholarship (2013-14), PhD in
Mathematics (2012), MSc Mathematics (Jul 2009)
- Andréia Borges Avelar,
PhD in Mathematics (Aug 2014), MSc Mathematics (Dec 2010)
- Thaynara Arielly de Lima, PhD in
Mathematics (May 2014), MSc Mathematics (Feb 2010)
- Fábio Henrique da Silva, MSc Informatics, November 2012
- Daniel Lima Ventura, Pos-Doc
CNPq scholarship (2010). PhD Mathematics (March 2010), MSc Mathematics
(February 2006)
- Rodrigo Borges
Nogueira, MSc Informatics, August 2008
- André Luiz Galdino,
Pos-Doc (2012-13), PhD Mathematics, August 2008
Rodrigo de Castro
Miranda, MSc Informatics, December 2006
Thomas Mailleux Sant'ana, MSc
Informatics, July 2005
Hélio Carneiro Ferreira,
MSc Mathematics, Juni 2005; RA DTI/CNPq July 2005-November 2006
Valnei Alves Fernandes, MSc
Mathematics, Juni 2004; RA DTI/CNPq March 2006-November 2006
Rinaldi Maya Neto (rmaya n@Spam
brturbo.com), MSc Computer Science, October 2002
Flávio Leonardo
Cavalcanti de Moura, MSc Mathematics, March 2002; PhD Mathematics,
March 2006
- Alexsandro
Fernandes da Fonseca, MSc Computer
Science, August 2001
- Wellington Barros e
Barbosa, MSc Mathematics, July 2001
- Luiz
M. R. Gadelha Jr, PhD (UFRJ, 2012), MSc Computer Science, December 2000
- Ivan
E. Tavares Araújo PhD (University of Oxford, 2003), MSc
Mathematics, August 1998
- Vaston
Gonçalves da Costa, PhD (PUC-Rio, 2007), MSc Mathematics,
Mai 1998
- Paulo Domingos
Conejo, PhD (UFPR, 2012) MSc Mathematics, November
- Yukiko
Massago, MSc Mathematics, August 1997
Former Undergraduate Students:
- A PVS theory for abstract rewriting systems
- ELAN specification of processors over the AX RISC architecture. Tared file containing the prototype. For a description see the paper Applying ELAN Strategies in Simulating Processors over Simple Architectures, (Postscript, 274 KB).
- ELAN specification of reconfigurable systems for algebraic operations. Tared file containing the prototypes. For a description see the paper Efficient Computation of Algebraic Operations over Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems Specified by Rewriting-Logic Environments, (PDF).
- SUBSEXPL: an OCAML implementation of reduction via the explicit substitution calculi: lambda sigma, lambda se, the suspension calculus and a refinement of the suspension calculus which combines steps of beta-contraction.
- Java applet SAGAReP illustrating string pattern matching algorithms.
- Java applet SAGEMoLiC illustrating equivalence theorems between Finite State and Pushdown Automata and their related classes of languages and gramars. And that
allows for normalizations of Context Free Grammars (to their Greibach and Chomsky NFs)
- Applet on approximate string pattern matching via suffix trees. A nice implementation of Ukkonen's suffix trees based method implemented by some our best undergraduate students as a project of Analysis on Algorithms during the Second semester 2001.
Applet for optimizing Finite State Automata developed by students for the course on Formal Languages and Automata during the first semester 1999
Academics (including offered courses for the second semestrer 2001)
Offered supervision on undergraduate and graduate projects
Computing Resources
& Other Services
Comments to webmasterTC n@Spam mat.unb.br
Feb 26, 1997