Links to pages on problems, conferences, surveys, researchers and general subjects on rewriting theory
Mauricio Ayala Rincón
Departments of Computer Science and Mathematics
Brasilia University
Rewriting Home Page
realized by L. Vigneron and N. Dershowitz, - INRIA Lorraine, Nancy, France.
International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction - FSCD
IFIP Working Group 1.6: Rewriting
Term Rewriting Systems / TRS PVS library - Part of NASA PVS library
. Maintained by the Grupo de Teoria da Computação da U. de Brasília.
IsaFoR (Isabelle Formalization of Rewriting)
. Maintained at Universitaet Innsbrueck.
The Maude System
. Maintained at UIUC.
Useful Logics, Type theories, Rewriting systems and their Applications