Número 1, 1999



Authors: José Gerley DIAZ-CASTRO & Elsa Rodrigues HARDY

Title: Life history of Moina micrura (Kurz) fed with three algae species,

in the laboratory.

Journal: AMAZONIANA, XV(1/2): 25-34. Kiel, December 1998

Key Words: Moina micrura, tropical, life cycle, food experiments.

Financing: Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico y Tecnológico


Idiom: English

Institution: INPA -CPEC - Cx.P. 478, CEP 69011-970. Manaus, AM - Brazil



The life history of Moina micrura (Kurz) was investigated under controlled laboratory conditions using the bottles rotated in wheels McCarthy (1983), in constant temperature water baths (26oC - 28oC). The long-term growth experiments were performed using constant food concentration of three green algae: Scenedesmus quadricauda 12.5 x 107 cell/ml, Ankistrodesmus gracilis 8.33 x 10 7 cell/ml and Pediastrum duplex 7.1 x 10 7 cell/ml. Animals were examined daily throughout their life cycle from the neonate to their natural death for the following life history traits: individual growth, fertility, number of instars and longevity. The one way ANOVA showed that, out of nine parameters evaluated, only one was significantly different (P<0.05). The three algae species were considered a suitable food for Moina micrura.


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