Número 2(Artículo 15), 2000

Detritivory in two Amazonan fish species

TIPO: Trabajo publicado en Journal of Fish Biology 52:1141-1153, 1998

AUTOR: M.I. Yossa and C. A. R. M. Araujo-Lima

IDIOMA: Inglés


ENTIDADES QUE FINANCIARON LA INVESTIGACIÓN: This work was supported by CAPES grant to MIY and by the CAMREX project

PALABRAS CLAVE: Liposarcus pardalis, Prochilodus nigricans, Amazon detritus fish feeding nutrition protein

In floodplain lakes of Central Amazon, the siluriform Liposarcus pardalis and the characiform Prochilodus nigricans, consumed detritus with different compositions. Most of the diet of L. pardalis and P. nigricans was made of amorphous organic matter.The food ingested by L. pardalis was relatively higher in organic mater (OM) (35-55%) and crude protein (10-19%) than that found in P. nigricans stomachs. (10-20% and 2-5%, respectively). Both fish ingested higher quantities of OM and crude protein during the high-water season. The differences between the two species seem to be related to their ability to select different detrital components. Striking differences were also found in the digestibility rate of OM and protein between the two species. Prochilodus nigricans assimilated only 2-3% of this intake compared with 24% in L. pardalis.


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