Volume 6, 1994

XII Escola de Álgebra - Part I

Diamantina, August 1992 - Minas Gerais

edited by Dan Avritzer, Michel Spira


A. Carocca, Completeness Properties of Certain Formations

A. Catalán S., E-Ideals in Baric Algebras

R. F. Coleman, Serre's Conjecture: The Jugentraum of the 20th Century

M. Ferrero, Chain Rings and Distributive Rings

H. Guzzo Jr., Indecomposable Baric Algebras

E. Jespers, The Unit Group of Integral Group Rings: Generators of Subgroups of Finite Index

B.Loo, I. Vainsencher, Limits of Graphs

M. A. Marshall, Minimal Generation of Constructible Sets in the Real Spectrum of a Ring

A. Micali, R. Chibloun, Dimension de Krull des Algébres Graduées II

C. P. Milies, Indecomposable R. A. Loops and Related Topics

R. Miranda, Elliptic Surfaces and the Mordell-Weil Group

M. Ouattara, Progrés Recents Dans la Théorie des Algébres de Bernstein

H. Pahlings, Algorithmic Aspects of Character Theory

L. A. Peresi, Minimal Polynomial Identities of Bernstein Algebras. A Computer Approach